Axosoft is #16 in Top 10 Issue Trackers

Full-featured bug tracker. Even with a team of coding superstars, defects are a fact of life. Fortunately, Axosoft's lightning fast interface uses keyboard shortcuts and automated workflows to help you manage issues and enter key information quickly. Axosoft also provides highly customizable field templates that can be configured to collect repro steps, set due dates and recieve attachments, so your team only has to enter essential data.

Positions in ratings

#16 in Top 10 Issue Trackers


The best alternative to Axosoft is JIRA

Latest news about Axosoft

2014. Create such video for your company

Axosoft's team comprises a group of highly skilled and imaginative individuals. They garnered considerable attention from IT bloggers yesterday with their groundbreaking announcement: setting the price of their Axosoft Bug Tracker at a mere $1 per year. This development is quite remarkable considering that only paid and free bug trackers were available on the market until now. While a bug tracker for such a nominal amount may not seem essential, what truly stands out is Axosoft's approach in creating a video for their company. Why is it important? It enables potential customers to develop a genuine fondness for the company even before making a purchase, attracts talented individuals who aspire to work there, and fosters a welcoming office environment for their employees.