Why do you need Scribd for your business?

April 15, 2008
Scribd for business

Scribd - is a service that positions itself as an "YouTube for documents". When you first come to Scribd, you may think that this is another toy for bloggers and communities, but maybe soon it will become a common tool for any business, like Word for example. How businesses are using YouTube? Basically, to present their new products. YouTube - is the most convenient way to publish a business-related video and the most convenient way to view it for your clients. Moreover, YouTube is useful not only as a website, but as a service for publishing the video anywhere. But besides these video-presentations customers sometimes want to view product documentation or company white papers. Usually companies just upload pdf-files on their sites. But believe, when your customer opens a document in Scribd's online viewer, it's a big difference from downloading the pdf file.

Unlike the PDF, the iPaper (the document format created by Scribd) format was originally created for viewing documents in the browser. Its main advantage is the opportunity to broadcast a document without loading it completely (like a video is broadcasting on YouTube). This allows to open even very large documents instantly and not wait half an hour while Adobe Reader is opening. And viewing iPaper document is real pleasure - you can easily zoom and scroll it, navigate through the pages, search. 

You can easily publish iPaper documents on your website (like YouTube videos) - just insert the code on the page and it appears. And your clients or bloggers can republish it over the Internet, making it popular. In fact, many companies are already publishing their press releases via Scribd.

iPaper also allows to protect your documents from copy-pasting by competitors. You can choose an option not to allow document downloading or provide the limited access to the document.

Besides publishing your manuals and marketing literature, you can use Scribd as a source of business document templates - contracts, legal and technical documentation. You can search for this kind of docs in the Scribd public catalog.

See also: