SlideShare = YouTube for presentations

May 22, 2008 | Author: Sandeep Sharma

Here's a simple formula for a successful startup: find a popular service (e.g. YouTube), remember what you can do best of all (i.e. presentations), put "for" between these two words and probably you'll get an interesting idea. That's what the creators of SlideShare did. And they have already raized $3 million on their idea. So, what is YouTube killer feature? A first glance it's - huge video catalog. But that's only at first glance. In fact, Youtube became so popular, because it allows you to:

- easily publish video on the Internet

- easily send video to others

- embed video this file anywhere

- find the audience for your video

On the other hand:

- you can easily browse through many interesting videos on Youtube

- quickly and easily view video, without waiting till it's downloaded

So why not create the same service for presentations? SlideShare did it and in result we have the very popular site that people use to ... we are mainly interested in how use this service for business.

Here are 4 ways to use SlideShare business purposes:

4. Publish presentations and send them to your customers

Of course, you can also use Google Docs or Zoho Show for this purpose

3. Find new ideas for presentations

On SlideShare you can find ideas and inspiration to create WoW presentation

2. Publish PR-pitches

It's much more easier to create a presentation with pictures than video, and it can have the same viral effect. Do you still publish text press-releases? Than look at this press-release:

1. Training and educating

The presentation is much better for eduction than boring text document. You can find different tutorials on SlideShare or publish own presentation to educate your employees

See also: Top 10 Online Presentations

Author: Sandeep Sharma
Sandeep is a marketing expert with a wealth of knowledge in various domains: customer relationship management, social media management, advertising, search engine optimization, website building, Sandeep has established himself as a multifaceted professional. He honed his skills while working at Salesforce and Hubspot, where he gained invaluable insights into the industry. Now, as the proud owner of a small advertising consulting agency, Sandeep continues to provide innovative and effective strategies to businesses, helping them thrive in the competitive landscape of digital marketing. You can contact Sandeep via email