Tamr vs Trifacta

June 05, 2023 | Author: Michael Stromann
Tamr enables enterprises to use 100% of available data for business intelligence and analytics by unifying and enriching their vast reserves of valuable data. Tamr’s data unification platform catalogues, connects and curates hundreds or thousands of internal and external data sources through a combination of machine learning algorithms and human expert guidance – radically reducing the cost, time and effort of preparing data for analysis.
Trifacta's Data Transformation Platform increases productivity up to 10x. Trifacta’s Data Profiling features provide immediate visibility into unique elements of the data set like data distributions and outliers to inform the transformation and analysis process. Trifacta’s automated detection of data types, value distribution and missing or inconsistent values provides the user with immediate cues to a dataset’s fit and trustworthiness.

Tamr and Trifacta are both data preparation platforms, but they differ in their approach, features, and target audience. Tamr focuses on data unification and mastering by leveraging machine learning and automation to combine and reconcile data from multiple sources. It offers advanced algorithms for data matching, entity resolution, and data categorization, enabling organizations to create a unified view of their data.

Trifacta, on the other hand, is a data wrangling platform that emphasizes self-service data preparation for users with varying technical skill levels. It provides an intuitive interface and a range of tools for data transformation, cleaning, and enrichment. Trifacta focuses on empowering users to visually explore and manipulate their data, making it ideal for business analysts and data scientists who need flexibility and control over the data preparation process.

See also: Top 10 Big Data platforms
Tamr vs Trifacta in our news:

2015. Data transformation service Tamr raised $25.2 million

Tamr, a startup focused on helping companies comprehend and consolidate their disparate databases, has announced a successful Series B funding round, securing $25.2 million. Tamr aspires to achieve a transformative impact on the enterprise realm, similar to how Google revolutionized the web. While Google's algorithm scours the internet for web pages, Tamr's algorithm searches for databases. Large companies currently face the challenge of managing numerous databases without a comprehensive understanding of their contained data. This lack of awareness can be perilous, as valuable data may be at risk of unauthorized access or loss without the company's knowledge. Tamr addresses this issue by creating a centralized catalog that encompasses all data sources, including spreadsheets and logs, throughout the organization. By providing greater visibility into a company's data assets, Tamr delivers significant value on multiple fronts, particularly in terms of enhancing security, particularly in the wake of recent high-profile data breaches.

Author: Michael Stromann
Michael is an expert in IT Service Management, IT Security and software development. With his extensive experience as a software developer and active involvement in multiple ERP implementation projects, Michael brings a wealth of practical knowledge to his writings. Having previously worked at SAP, he has honed his expertise and gained a deep understanding of software development and implementation processes. Currently, as a freelance developer, Michael continues to contribute to the IT community by sharing his insights through guest articles published on several IT portals. You can contact Michael by email stromann@liventerprise.com