OSticket vs OTRS

July 25, 2023 | Author: Michael Stromann
osTicket is a widely-used and trusted open source support ticket system. Easily scale and streamline your customer service and drastically improve your customer experience.
OTRS is a free and open-source trouble ticket system software package that a company, organization, or other entity can use to assign tickets to incoming queries and track further communications about them. Like alternative solutions it is a means of managing incoming inquiries, complaints, support requests, defect reports, and other communications.

OSTicket and OTRS are both popular open-source ticketing systems used for managing customer support and service requests, but they have distinct features and capabilities. OSTicket is a user-friendly and lightweight ticketing system that offers essential ticket management features, making it suitable for small to medium-sized businesses with straightforward support needs. It provides a simple and intuitive interface for ticket creation, assignment, and tracking, making it easy for customer support teams to manage incoming requests efficiently. On the other hand, OTRS is a more comprehensive and feature-rich ticketing system that caters to larger organizations and enterprises with more complex support requirements. OTRS offers advanced ticketing functionalities, customizable workflows, and integration with various third-party systems, allowing for highly tailored and scalable customer service solutions.

See also: Top 10 IT Service Desk software
OSticket vs OTRS in our news:

2010. OTRS ITSM 2.0 - the first open-source ITIL certified solution

Many companies opt to use OTRS as their helpdesk system for two main reasons: it is both free and highly compatible with website and email integration. Recently, OTRS has expanded its reach to include sysadmins and IT departments, even within larger organizations. The latest release, OTRS ITSM 2.0, has received official certification from PinkVERIFY, an expert company, for its compatibility with six ITIL v3 processes. ITIL serves as a repository of recommendations and best practices for effective IT infrastructure management. OTRS ITSM has been available for approximately three years, offering features such as incident management, problem management, configuration management, SLA management, and knowledge management. The new version, 2.0, introduces change management capabilities, allowing users to oversee processes like setting up new employees with laptops, implementing new systems and equipment, and upgrading licensed software through OTRS ITSM.

Author: Michael Stromann
Michael is an expert in IT Service Management, IT Security and software development. With his extensive experience as a software developer and active involvement in multiple ERP implementation projects, Michael brings a wealth of practical knowledge to his writings. Having previously worked at SAP, he has honed his expertise and gained a deep understanding of software development and implementation processes. Currently, as a freelance developer, Michael continues to contribute to the IT community by sharing his insights through guest articles published on several IT portals. You can contact Michael by email stromann@liventerprise.com