Mailgun vs Mailjet

July 27, 2023 | Author: Sandeep Sharma
Powerful APIs that enable you to send, receive, and track email effortlessly
Cloud Emailing by Mailjet. Create, send and track your marketing and transactional emails. Easy SMTP integration & cheap rates: boost your deliverability now. Our unique algorithm boosts your deliverability and our platform provides in-depth insight so you can optimize more than ever.
Mailgun and Mailjet are two prominent email service providers that cater to different aspects of email communication. Mailgun is primarily focused on providing a powerful API and infrastructure for sending transactional emails, making it an excellent choice for developers and businesses seeking reliable, real-time email delivery for activities like notifications and alerts. In contrast, Mailjet is a comprehensive email marketing platform that offers advanced automation tools, responsive email templates, and A/B testing capabilities, making it an ideal solution for marketers looking to create engaging email campaigns and foster customer relationships.

See also: Top 10 Email Marketing Solutions
Mailgun vs Mailjet in our news:

2015. Email marketing solution Mailjet gets $11 million

French startup Mailjet has recently secured $11 million in funding for its versatile email delivery service, catering to both marketing campaigns and transactional emails. What sets Mailjet apart is its ability to effectively address both markets: marketing and transactional. When it comes to transactional email services, reliability in terms of API functionality and prompt delivery is crucial. Mailjet initially focused on providing exceptional transactional email services. On the other hand, marketing email services require the capability to send a high volume of emails, even if it takes a few minutes to accomplish. They also need to establish a reputable relationship with major email providers like Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo to prevent newsletters from being flagged as spam. Additionally, Mailjet offers tools to customize the design of emails, further enhancing the marketing email experience.

Author: Sandeep Sharma
Sandeep is a marketing expert with a wealth of knowledge in various domains: customer relationship management, social media management, advertising, search engine optimization, website building, Sandeep has established himself as a multifaceted professional. He honed his skills while working at Salesforce and Hubspot, where he gained invaluable insights into the industry. Now, as the proud owner of a small advertising consulting agency, Sandeep continues to provide innovative and effective strategies to businesses, helping them thrive in the competitive landscape of digital marketing. You can contact Sandeep via email