Bing Translator vs Deepl

July 30, 2023 | Author: Adam Levine
Bing Translator
Bing Translator is a user facing translation portal provided by Microsoft as part of its Bing services to translate texts or entire web pages into different languages. All translation pairs are powered by the Microsoft Translator statistical machine translation platform and web service, developed by Microsoft Research, as its backend translation software.
Translate texts & full document files instantly. Accurate translations for individuals and Teams. Millions translate with DeepL every day.

Bing Translator and Deepl are both prominent machine translation services, each with its own strengths. Bing Translator, developed by Microsoft, offers a wide range of languages and is known for its ease of use and integration with Microsoft products and services. It provides text and speech translation, as well as the ability to translate websites. While it may not match the precision and nuance of Deepl's neural machine translation (NMT) technology, Bing Translator is a practical choice for everyday translations and quick language conversions, particularly for users within the Microsoft ecosystem. On the other hand, Deepl's NMT technology sets it apart with its remarkable accuracy, especially for complex sentences and contextually rich content. It excels in delivering natural-sounding translations and is favored by professionals and those seeking top-quality translations.

See also: Top 10 Online Translators
Bing Translator vs Deepl in our news:

2014. Video: real-time voice translator in Skype

Microsoft's Bing Translator, an online translation service, has always been overshadowed by Google Translate. All the advancements, such as full text translation, mobile support, voice recognition, and translation playback, initially debuted in Google Translate before being replicated in Bing Translator. However, Microsoft has now taken the lead. During the CodeConf conference, Satya Nadella showcased a voice translator in Skype that can recognize phrases in one language and play them back in another (almost) instantly. This breakthrough enables individuals from different countries to communicate in their native languages. Currently, the feature only supports English and German, but Satya mentioned that a working version with additional languages will be available in Skype before the end of this year.

Author: Adam Levine
Adam is an expert in project management, collaboration and productivity technologies, team management, and motivation. With an extensive background working at prestigious companies such as Microsoft and Accenture, Adam's in-depth knowledge and experience in the field make him a sought-after professional. Currently, he has ventured into entrepreneurship, owning a thriving consulting and training agency where he imparts invaluable insights and practical strategies to individuals and organizations, empowering them to achieve their goals and maximize their potential. You can contact Adam via email